We Reduce Energy Costs in Industry Through Energy-Aware Production Scheduling and Control.
adjusted flow’s unique energy-aware production scheduling software optimizes the production schedule to align with electricity price fluctuations, effectively reducing energy costs without the need for capital-intensive investments.
adjusted flow’s AI-driven optimization software is designed to efficiently schedule production in response to fluctuating energy prices. The software takes into account the unique energy requirements of each product throughout its various manufacturing stages within the factory. Furthermore, it considers the variability of energy prices during the manufacturing process, which can be based on market exchange rates or forecasts for the own on-site generation. Based on this data, the software generates optimized production schedules and thus supports companies not only in saving energy costs but also on their way to sustainability.
Energy-flexible production involves adjusting your production’s energy consumption based on variable electricity prices, self-generated electricity, or other influencing factors. adjusted flow offers comprehensive support for implementing and utilizing energy-flexible production. We don’t just optimize production processes; we also assist with energy data acquisition and analysis to help you make informed decisions in this regard.
adjusted flow provides expert engineering consulting services covering a wide spectrum of energy management aspects in alignment with ISO 50001 standards, emphasizing energy efficiency and sustainability within industrial operations.

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